A school can refuse to let a parent pick up their child for a variety of reasons. Perhaps a safeguarding issue, lack of identification or a simple misunderstanding. Whatever the case, Rupert Knell outlines your rights.
Collaborative law is a useful approach for some separating or divorcing couples. When following the collaborative law process, each client appoints their own collaboratively trained lawyer. You and your respective lawyers meet together to work through issues face to face. Each of you has your own independent lawyer by your side throughout the process so you each have your own legal advice and support.
An agreement is signed by the parties and lawyers, which commits to resolving issues without going to court and prevents either party’s lawyers representing clients in the event that court proceedings are issued, should the process breakdown. This means that all parties and lawyers are committed to finding the best solution, rather than through going to court.
Andrew Stynes and Simon Immins are experienced collaborative lawyers who work with clients in this way to resolve their issues and create a legally binding agreement for their separation.
Book a free appointment
Frettens are pleased to offer a free initial appointment for all new clients. We recognise the importance for clients of deciding whether they can work with a particular solicitor and to find out more about the process and likely outcome. Our family lawyers offer positive, down to earth advice, and we hope that this initial meeting allows you the time to see this as well.