Post Termination Issues: What do employers need to consider?
Chris Dobbs looks at post termination issues, obligations and restrictions.
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Declarations of trust (DoTs) have become a popular way for parties to legally set out 'who owns what' and their contributions to a property.
As with any legal document, it can be confusing as to what a DoT actually does and when you'd need one.
So, in this video, Specialist Solicitor Lee Young outlines exactly that, detailing everything you need to know about DoTs and what they do before you get one!
Find out more about declarations of trust and why you might need one in our dedicated article here.
Or, get in touch with a member of our bright team for a free initial chat here.
The content of this article, blog or video is not intended as specific legal advice. For tailored assistance, please contact a member of our team.
The content of this article, blog or video is not intended as specific legal advice. For tailored assistance, please contact a member of our team.