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News and Events
Andrew Stynes

Government proposes new Family Court Fees for 2024

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In this article, Family Partner Andrew Stynes outlines the new fees that the Government are proposing, when they might come into force and what it means for you.

How much does it cost to get a divorce in the UK?

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Andy Stynes details the current family court fees and what they are changing to from 30th September.

One Couple One Lawyer: The new model for amicable divorce

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In his latest article, Family Expert Andrew Stynes outlines the benefits of the new one couple one lawyer model and how it works.

Unmarried Couples: How to secure your living together rights

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In his latest article, Family Partner Andy Stynes looks at the different type of agreements that can be used to set out ownership of property and outlines which is best.

How to end a Civil Partnership: A Family Solicitor's Advice

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In his latest article, Family Partner Andy Stynes outlines the grounds for civil partnership dissolution, the costs involved, how assets are divided and more.

A Family Lawyer's expert tips on Co-Parenting

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In his latest article, Family Partner Andy Stynes provides some helpful tips for successful co-parenting and outlines what parents can do if their arrangements aren’t working.

Costs orders in divorce and financial matters

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After the divorce process changed earlier in the year, cost orders are now granted less frequently.

In his latest article, Andy looks at how a costs order can be obtained under the new law and what to include in the application.

What happens when two parents can't agree on their child's school?

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What happens when parents can’t agree on their child’s schooling arrangements? In this article, Family Partner Andy Stynes looks at how disputes around a child’s school can be resolved and dealt with.

Can I get parental responsibility as a step-parent?

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We often get questions from step-mothers and step-fathers regarding their rights to step children.

In this article, Family Partner Andy Stynes answers some of these questions and discusses step-parent’s parental responsibility.

The new divorce terminology explained

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Divorce is changing completely on April 6th. No-fault divorce will take over from the previous 'fault-based' divorce and, with that, divorce terminology will also be updated.

In this article, Andy outlines and defines the terminology going forward.

What are joint applications for divorce and how do they work?

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The new law, coming into force on April 6th, states that couples can apply for divorce jointly for the first time ever.

Specialist family and no fault divorce solicitor and partner Andy Stynes looks at the benefits of joint application and outlines how you can apply in his latest article.

Everything you need to know about No Fault Divorce

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In this article, experienced Family Solicitor & Partner Andy Stynes details everything that you need to know about No Fault Divorce. Including - what NFD is, when it comes into law, how NFD works, whether it can be contested and more.

Separated Parents - Can I take my child abroad?

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In this article, Family Partner Andrew Stynes outlines when a parent can and can’t take their child abroad.

How much does it cost to get a divorce in the UK in 2021?

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Andrew Stynes details the current family court fees and what they are changing to from 30th September.

Can my ex partner pick our child up from school without my permission?

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Andy Stynes answers some common questions around the rights of separated parents as the kids return to school.

What is a post-nuptial agreement and do I need to have one?

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Andy Stynes looks at post nuptial agreements; discussing what they are, how they're used and whether you need one. She also looks at whether post nups are legally binding and how they can be used to protect assets in divorce or separation.

How to change a child's surname

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Andrew Stynes head of our specialist family law team, answers the most frequently-asked questions about naming a child and changing a child's name.

Divorce - what am I entitled to?

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Divorce - what am I entitled to?

One of the first things we are often asked by clients considering divorce, is ‘what am I entitled to?’ or ‘who gets what?’

What is no fault divorce and what does it mean for separating couples?

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The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill was included in the government’s agenda set out in the Queen’s speech in December 2019. There has been delay in progress as a result of COVID-19 yet the bill passed it’s first hurdle in the House of Commons in early June. We will update as the bill progresses and a timetable is announced

Does an unmarried father have rights?

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Andy Stynes, Family Lawwyer and Head of our Family Law Team in Christchurch, answers FAQs about unmarried fathers' rights. Does an unmarried father have parental responsibility? What custody rights do they have? How about 'Live with' and 'time with' rights? Or proof of paternity?

What happens to your pets when you divorce?

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We are a nation of dog and cat lovers (it is estimated that 12 million UK households (46% of homes) have pets). In most homes, pets are often viewed as another member of the family, forming a vital part of the family unit. So when a couple divorces or...

The grounds for divorce

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In England and Wales, you must have been married for at least a year before you can apply for a divorce . Only one ground for divorce It is a popular misconception that there are five grounds for divorce. There...

Cohabitation Nation - Resolution Campaign

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This week is Cohabitation Awareness week. This is promoted by Resolution, and organisation which our Family Team are a part of. What is Resolution? Resolution ’s 6,500 members are family lawyers and other...

Pre-nuptial agreements - are they worth the paper they are written on?

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A pre-nuptial agreement (or ‘pre-nup’ as they are often called) can be made between a couple before they marry, and it deals with how their assets and resources would be treated if they were to divorce or ...

Separation agreements. An alternative to divorce?

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If you are thinking about getting divorced , or dissolving your civil partnership , but haven’t yet filed the papers, you can get a separation agreement drawn up. This sets out who will pay the rent or mortgage and bills, until you decide whether to...

Divorce - Telling the kids

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When a couple decides to split, there is never an easy way or time to tell the children. It can sometimes be just as much of a blow when the children are grown up themselves. But are there any tactics that would make breaking the news to them less painful,...

Are there any legal implications to getting engaged?

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Head of our Family Team Andrew Stynes looks at the legality of an engagement; and the consequences of separating in relation to gifts and property ownership.

How Long Does it Take to Get Divorced?

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Often one of the first questions that clients ask our Family Team is how long does a divorce take? Update: As of 6th April 2022 divorce law has changed drastically, thanks to the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020. No-fault divorce is now...

Should I change my name?

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Separated women (who took their husband's surname upon marriage) often believe they have to wait until their divorce is finalised before they can revert to their maiden name. This is not correct. Any adult has the right to change their surname at any...

Good Divorce Week

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This week is Good Divorce Week. This is a week about seeking the best solutions to what can be the most difficult period that clients can go through. Resolution is a National Organisation of Family Lawyers keen to promote resolution of family separation...

Travelling abroad with children with a different surname

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Although the main holiday season is over, half term and Christmas are looming. For families that have remarried and their children’s surname is now different to theirs this can be a problem at airports. It may be that step-parents are travelling with...

More legal protection for cohabitants in 2016?

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Despite years of campaigning by organisations and individuals, there are few laws to protect the rights of cohabitees and bring them into line with married couples and civil partners. Under current law there is no legal protection for people who live...

Divorce ruling Sharland and Gohul

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Courts are to reconsider settlements made in divorce proceedings. In the above two cases both wives were able to satisfy the court that they had been misled by their ex-husbands in that both husbands had hidden their true worth from the court. Andrew...

Protecting your assets with a Pre-Nuptial Agreement

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As of 6th April 2022 divorce law has changed drastically, thanks to the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020. No-fault divorce is now law. Therefore, the information in this article may be outdated. Please refer to our dedicated divorce page ...

Will pension changes rob divorcees of their income?

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As of 6th April 2022 divorce law has changed drastically, thanks to the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020. No-fault divorce is now law. Therefore, the information in this article may be outdated. Please refer to our dedicated divorce page ...

Separated Parent - Can I take my child on Holiday?

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As Family Lawyers this is a question we are often asked by clients, it is, not as simple as a yes or no. A simple answer would, unhelpfully, be “it depends”. As of 6th April 2022 divorce law has changed drastically, thanks to the Divorce,...

Do I need a Pre-Nuptial Agreement?

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It seems to be the season for celebrity weddings and it is more than likely that many have made pre-nuptial agreements. Despite all the high hopes, best wishes and optimism on the wedding day, we are all aware that some marriages will, in time, breakdown. ...

Collaboration and Mediation in Divorce

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Going through a divorce is an emotional and upsetting time often fraught with confusion about legal terms and courts. It can be a costly process for both parties. Not many people are familiar with collaborative divorce but this process and also divorce...

Surrogacy - the legal position

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Surrogacy is where a child is carried through pregnancy by a woman, not necessarily the genetic mother, who has entered into an arrangement that sets out who is intended to be the legal parent of the child once it is born. As of 6th April...

Do Grandparents have rights of access?

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The breakdown of a marriage or long term relationship is extremely upsetting for all involved. For grandparents it can be devastating if they are denied contact with their grandchildren. Unfortunately grandparents do not have an automatic right to contact...

Want a Divorce but dont want to go to Court?

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“We want a divorce but don’t want to go to Court.” This is something that we, as family lawyers hear with increasing frequency. A Divorce can only be granted by a Court. However, frequently this is not a contentious issue and is often...

Pre-Nups are they worth the paper they are written on?

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Currently, Pre-Nuptial Agreements are not strictly binding in English law. In other countries such as USA and most of Europe Pre-Nups are common enforceable contracts. There have been a number of cases which have improved the position of a Pre-Nup so they...
